
Early Childhood Services
Parents Economic Empowerment
In our Bambi Homes we provide a safe and nurturing environment for children under five years old with services including: institutional care for abandoned, orphaned and at risk children; high quality day care for disadvantaged children, and home base assistance for malnourished and at risk children. In the Bambi Homes children receive professional services from a team of psychologists, social workers, therapists, nutritionists, doctors, teachers and caregivers who maintain or restore their physical and psychological well being.
Since 2000 through our parents’ program we have teach 6,000 parents nurturing parenting skills, self esteem and provide tools for economic empowerment. We provide parents with the knowledge and means to be self sufficiency. The program gives parents the opportunity to finish their high school education, attain job training or create their own business unit.
Be Part Art Auction
Be Part is an Art Auction where different recognized and emergent Latin American artists participate donating part of their art work. Over the last ten years Be Part has become not only an important vehicle to raise significant funds to improve Bambi Homes’ facilities also becoming an important platform to promote Colombian artwork in the US.